Meet Carsin: Our Social 2024 Summer Intern!

Tell us a little bit about yourself: 

I am originally from Southern California and moved to Seattle for college. I recently graduated with a BA in Communications and a minor in International Relations from the University of Washington. My hobbies include traveling, secondhand shopping, and vlogging. 

There are many PR agencies; why Revolution? 

I connected with Revolution PR’s commitment to promoting sustainable clients and brands through creative marketing. In addition to the sustainability aspect, I admire that Revolution PR is women-led and offers many opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and strong female leadership within the work environment. 

What attracted you to pursue PR as a career?

My passion for social media and my desire to contribute impactful work led me to pursue PR as a career. I’ve enjoyed my initial experiences in PR - especially social media strategy - for the challenge and creative outlet that this style of communication affords. 

We’re on a mission to do better, be better, promoting a better way to live.  What does this mean for you?

Since moving to Seattle, I’ve prioritized working at sustainable companies to align my values with my career. Your impact on the environment around you matters as does your influence on human connections. Revolution PR’s mission to enrich the human experience while protecting the planet truly promotes personal and collective growth. 

Is there a workout that you’re loving right now? 

Recently, I’ve joined my local TruFusion to try various types of workouts such as hot yoga, pilates, barre, and HIIT. My favorite at the moment is hot yoga for its mindfulness and meditative practice. 

What media outlet (publication, podcast, blog, etc.) are you loving right now and why?

As I prepare to move out of my college bubble and into the greater Seattle city, I’ve enjoyed reading local blogs from various Seattle foodies and lifestyle influencers. Each day, I list at least one restaurant, bar, Seattle spot, or hike that I want to explore in my free time. 

If you had to choose one thing you are most passionate about, what would it be and why? 

I am most passionate about traveling for the immense growth that it fosters. At 22, I have visited 14 countries, some of which I have solo-adventured. Travel is incredibly enriching and allows me to immerse myself in different values and cultures while learning more about myself.