Meet Ava: Our PR 2024 Summer Intern!

Tell us a little bit about yourself: 

  • My name is Ava Gonzalez! I’m a rising senior at the University of Washington, studying Journalism and Public Interest with a minor in Business Administration. I’m from southern California. Some things I enjoy in my free time are spending time with friends and family, exploring new restaurants and the outdoors, and traveling!

There are many PR agencies; why Revolution? 

  • One thing that struck me about Revolution is the deep integration of company values into our daily tasks. Everything we do, we do with a purpose. Its dedication to assisting clients is everything I sought in an organization. At Revolution, there’s a persistent commitment to amplifying the voices of those making significant strides in our world. Representing companies that set the standard for ethical business practices, Revolution prioritizes sustainability and minimizing environmental impact, setting a model for others to follow. The long-lasting relationships with our clients serve as evidence of Revolution’s genuine care and dedication to their success. 

What attracted you to pursue PR as a career?

  • For the exact reason as stated above. There can be a negative stigma around public relations, showcasing someone’s moral values regarding which clients your agency will promote and at what stake. Highlighting people who deserve recognition for their respectable work is important and beneficial for the good of society. 

We’re on a mission to do better, be better, promoting a better way to live.  What does this mean for you?

  • Maintaining connections with loved ones through the perfect work-life balance! Reaching out to friends and family, especially those who you're doing long-distance with, and genuinely inquiring about their wellbeing is essential for a fulfilling life on both ends. Actively listening, asking questions, and reassuring them of your support and affection can make an impact on their daily life. I aim for people to feel assured that they can confide and count on me with whatever matter.

Is there a workout that you’re loving right now? 

  • I’ve grown up spinning and will always favor that quick, sweaty 45-minute workout over anything! Besides that, I’ve set a goal for my last year at UW to go on more hikes since they are so easily accessible and breathtakingly gorgeous. 

What media outlet (publication, podcast, blog, etc.) are you loving right now and why?

  • When I’m in the mood for a belly laugh, I listen to “The Basement Yard” — a childhood friend duo that is so funny and out-of-pocket and reminds me not to take things so seriously when I feel tunnel vision. I listen to true crime podcasts, normally with my mom on long road trips, simply because they are so intriguing and never get old!

If you had to choose one thing you are most passionate about, what would it be and why? 

  • I’m most passionate about music and the way that it makes me feel. It serves as a marker of time in my life, bringing back memories when I revisit songs from the past, fostering moments of nostalgia. My diverse and wide taste not only connects me with people but also cultivates friendships. Sharing music and attending festivals and concerts have become ways to strengthen the bonds I have with others.