Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

Every year we look forward to spending quality time with our families and friends during the holidays. This means lots of traveling, cooking, caroling and of course present opening! Here’s what favorite holiday traditions we will be doing this year:
My favorite holiday tradition is cooking with my family. My mom’s side of the family is Japanese and Chinese, so we always do a big, non-traditional Christmas meal. Having all hands on deck in the kitchen and chatting with family while working on the eggroll assembly line is something I look forward to all year. – SARAH W
With family all over the country, my holidays are usually very untraditional – one year, I might travel home and visit family. Another year, family will come to me. We also sometimes meet up in the middle. But the one tradition that’s stayed into adulthood is my sister and I fill stockings for each other with little items like beauty products, funny notecards, gift cards and sweet treats. It’s a low pressure, fun way to keep a favorite childhood tradition alive. – SHAUNA
Each year we have Christmas dinner at our family friend’s house. We’ve been spending Christmas day there with all of the families we grew up with ever since my brothers and I were toddlers. It’s always so fun to reunite with everyone. On the way home my parents, brothers and I finish off the night by driving through Candy Cane Lane. – ZAINA
Our holiday tradition is wrapped around family, Santa and having an adventure. Two years ago we decided to combine seeing family with a trip and it stuck. Every year on Christmas day or the day after, we head south to be outside and do something new. This year, we’ll be making our way through our favorite California parks and beaches via a rented RV. Wish me luck – JEN
Every year I look forward to spending quality time with my family. One tradition which has fallen by the wayside in recent years, is going to see a movie together during the afternoon. Seeing a movie lets us spend more time together before having to rush back to our busy lives, and this year my family and I are bringing it back! We’re going to see the new Star Wars movie, which is just about the only the movie all of us could agree on. – MEAGAN
What’s your favorite holiday traditions? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter.