Revealing a new way to live

Here at The Reveal, everyone on our team wants to lead a fun, vibrant life. We love to eat, shop, travel and play. At the same time, we all worry about the health of our planet and how our daily actions impact its future.
The question we constantly ask ourselves as we lead a mostly mainstream life, shopping for a new shampoo, planning a vacation or buying work clothes, is how do we still tread as lightly as possible on the planet?
Our answer: consciously and creatively. We think about this each and every day, and it’s why we’re so excited to launch a new direction for The Reveal. We’ll be highlighting simple and effective ways for us all to keep a mindful eye on caring for Mother Earth. Stay tuned for eco-conscious product recommendations, sustainable travel guides, interviews with people who are making a difference and more.
Will you join us in leaving this place better than we when we arrived? Connect with on Instagram or Facebook for daily tips and conversation on mindful living. And for an easy way to stay in the loop, sign up for our weekly newsletter, which will recap the week, plus offer a little fun and inspiration.
And if you’re as passionate about sustainability and living mindfully as we are, tell us in the comments! Let us know which topics are most important to you, if you have a burning question you can’t figure out or a nagging suspicion something in your daily life could be a little more eco-friendly. We’re excited to dig in and be a resource for our tribe of fun-loving, forward-thinking gals who want to make a difference.
Will you join our forward-thinking tribe of kick-ass women who are looking to make a difference and live like we give a damn? We hope so! For more information, head over to The Reveal or let us know what you think on Facebook or Instagram.