Newsletters PR Pros Should Subscribe To

To stay sharp, we’re always on the lookout for interesting stories, new trends and helpful tips. Every PR professional skims headlines, but we also spend a few minutes each morning and evening going through our favorite newsletters. From grammar facts to breaking news to the best PR tips, these are the five newsletters we read faithfully.
Social Media Examiner – Social Media Examiner is the
best way to stay current on social media news and trends. From announcing changes to Facebook’s algorithm to sharing tips for driving Instagram engagement, we learn something new from every newsletter!
PR Couture – We look forward to PR Couture’s weekly newsletter for news from top brands, #girlboss interviews and even cute products for the office. Plus, for those just starting in their career, PR Couture is a fantastic resrouce for career advice and job postings.
Grammar Girl – Should we
compliement or
complement our next favorite newsletter? Even the best writers can get hung up on mistakes like this. For PR pros who write every day, Grammar Girl is a great way to receive ongoing reminders about the nuances of the English language.
theSkimm – Staying current on the news is vital for PR people, and there is truly no better resource than theSkimm! Their short (and sassy) debriefs have become an invaluable morning read.
O’Dwyers – If you want to get into the nitty gritty happenings of the PR industry, sign up for the O’ Dwyers newsletter. You’ll get best practices, PR developments and agency news delivered straight to your inbox.
Are there any newsletters you read every day or every week? Tell us on
Facebook or
Instagram so we can check them out!