Profile of a POWER Mom
With every campaign, pitch, story, and social post we first ask, “Who is the target audience?” And more and more it’s become clear that there’s a new sheriff in town – The Power Mom.

While it’s widely known that women largely do the household buying, child rearing, make her family’s healthcare decisions, and plan vacations, the Power Mom does all of this while holding down a great career. She’s educated, determined, has upward aspirations, is there for her family, she moves fast, is constantly connected, uses social media like a boss, and doesn’t look back. In hashtag language, she’s a #LadyBoss.
So what does this mean for our clients? It means dollars and a slight pivot in marketing strategy. Speaking to these women means brands speak directly to her family, her friends, her social networks, and her colleagues. The Power Mom doesn’t hold back with referrals. If she loves something, she uses it all the time and shouts about it from the rooftops. But there’s a catch….she’s picky. Because Power Mom has so little time to achieve so many tasks, convenience, price and form are key for her day-to-day product and service choices. Living a Pinterest-worthy life is a goal but it has to be easy.
To get in good, brands have to offer a fast, curated solution alleviating stress, strain and freeing up time. They should aim to connect with her on an individualized, personal level. The brands that commit to providing customized experiences and solutions through modern avenues will join Power Mom’s circle of trust. At the end of the day, trust is priceless when it comes to any mom, especially hers.