1:1 Influencer Interview with Darien Parish, Managing Digital Editor of Tiger Oak Media’s Bridal Sites
We are thrilled to share a new 1:1 interview with managing digital editor of Tiger Oak Media’s bridal sites, Darien Parish. Originally from Saratoga Springs, New York, Darien has been captivated by weddings since she was a little girl (her grandmother made her a play wedding dress for Christmas one year, veil and all!), but truly fell in love with the art of designing a wedding while planning her own. When she moved to Seattle a few years ago and decided to give journalism a try, being involved in the fashion/beauty/bridal world came naturally. Before becoming the managing digital editor for Tiger Oak Media’s five bridal sites, Darien was an editorial assistant, freelancer and digital content manager for
Seattle Bride magazine.

Darien says her favorite place to be is in the kitchen with her husband, cooking, baking and experimenting with new recipes and ingredients. Her favorite things about Seattle include the incredible food scene, easy access to the awe-inducing outdoors and the thriving creative community. Read on for more from Darien!
Tell us about your role as the managing digital editor of Tiger Oak Media’s bridal sites, what’s a day in the life like?
A typical day for me involves remotely managing a team of associate editors and contributors to be sure we’re producing engaging, pretty and inspiring content. I spend a majority of my time editing, writing, preparing, scheduling and sourcing articles for our five bridal sites. I also manage the social media outlets for each magazine, which occasionally involves dabbling in marketing efforts for upcoming events and supporting/promoting local vendors.
What’s your favorite 2015 bridal trend?
Recently I’ve noticed weddings becoming much more intimate, and I’m loving it! Couples are focusing less on the large guest list and more on creating an event that really speaks to who they are as a couple and then choosing to share that with the family and friends who mean the most. Resources are used to create lovely bespoke gatherings, where attention to detail builds an atmosphere, leading to incredibly well-crafted and thoroughly thought-out events. Black-tie or casual, I love them all!
How can PR people be most helpful to you?
It’s most helpful if a PR contact peruses our websites prior to reaching out, to be sure that what they’re pitching is a good fit. Considering everything from content to photos is important. Once you’re sure it fits our brand, tailor your message accordingly. It may be that we cover a certain topic often and you have something unique to add, or you noticed we don’t cover it much at all, but you think it’d make a great addition. Also, call me old-fashioned, but I’m much more likely to respond to messages that have a human element, rather than something that feels copied, pasted and mass-produced.
What is your favorite pitch you’ve received and why?
One of my favorite PR pitches I’ve ever seen wasn’t something I received, but a colleague received. A new, eclectic hotel was opening in the city and sent these hilarious regal-looking throw pillows with painted portraits of famous actors and musicians dressed as royal princes (Brad Pitt, Dave Grohl...). Catchy and memorable!
What do you love about your job?
What I love most about my job is that it encompasses all the things I’m passionate about in my personal life: beautifully curated events, writing, design, food, fashion, love…the list goes on! My job is a constant source of inspiration for my life and vice versa. It’s both creative and structured and has allowed me to work and connect with wonderfully talented people.
Thank you Darien for a great and insightful interview! Check out more from our 1:1 interview series
here and
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