Happy Valentine’s Day: We love PR!
Here in our office, we have plenty of love in our lives coming from wonderful significant others, adorable kiddos and fur babies, satisfying hobbies and more. But there's one additional love affair we all share...with our jobs!

Having co-workers who love what they do gives us a fun and fulfilling professional environment that we're very thankful for, and today (in the spirit of love!), we wanted to share exactly what we adore about our work lives. So, PR - how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
1. Our clients
Unique to Revolution's company culture, we work solely with clients that we're passionate about - they have great stories to tell, solve problems, create amazing products, give back to their communities - the list goes on. We believe being passionate about who we work with makes us better PR people and better partners to our clients.
2. Being smart and creative
Our hearts swoon equally for the chance to be smart and creative, and PR lends several opportunities for both. Strategic media relations plans need thoughtfully written press releases. Results-driven social campaigns need creative collateral. It's a win-win for both sides of our brains.
3. Evolution
New trends, technology, the changing media landscape - PR is constantly evolving, and we dig it! Our active minds and spirited personalities love that this industry keeps us learning and constantly challenges us, which means we're never bored (the last thing you want from a love affair)!
4. Results
feel good part of our job comes from helping our clients achieve results and grow their businesses. Whether we're
promoting a fundraiser to raise money for a good cause,
helping a company break into a new market or launching a new product, making a positive impact for our clients gives us the warm and fuzzies.
5. Making connections
A huge part of PR is making connections. These connections vary from connecting...Journalists to great story ideas. Consumers to products they'll love. Clients to promotion opportunities. Other PR people to resources. We thrive on fostering communities that benefit everyone involved.
What do you love about your job? We'd love to hear your thoughts on
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